Variety is the Pumpkin Spice of Life

I sat in the Trader Joe’s parking lot staring at my cart full of pumpkins. I was sure that my husband, the minimalist in our relationship, was going to have a heart attack at the sight of all the pumpkins I had just purchased.

I couldn’t help myself though. They were all so unique and different. Some were striped, others smooth and orange, and some even had strange bumps all over them. Bumps that my toddler tried to pick off in the store before we bought them.

How could I say no to one when I said yes to another? I stared at these pumpkins and saw my three boys. Like the pumpkins, they are all being raised in the same patch, but could not be more different from each other.

My independent first born led me to believe that sending a child off to preschool was a piece of cake, that is until my emotionally attached middle child threw me a curve ball. This mild mannered, rule following, middle child though, showed me that potty training did not have to be a 6 month long disaster like it was with his older brother. And the baby of the family? Who knows what unique tricks he’s got up his sleeve.

All I know is that their differences have kept me on my toes as a mom and have given me some of life’s greatest joys.

So what thought did I have while I stared at my overflowing shopping cart? I realized in that moment that variety truly is the “pumpkin” spice of life!